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What to Do With Family Visiting at Thanksgiving in San Diego

What to Do With Family Visiting at Thanksgiving in San Diego

If you have family coming into town for Thanksgiving, they are probably staying through the weekend. For those post-holiday days, here’s a plan for out of-towners. Whether you are able to join for them or they want to take off on their own.

Visit Balboa Park

Rain or shine, there’s so much to do here. Plus, it’s a very unique space to San Diego that’ll impress the most pessimistic and grumpy of relatives! Specific recommendations:


Go For a Hike

Fall is the perfect season for hiking in San Diego. Go inland for longer, mountainous hikes like Iron Mountain or Potato Chip Rock. Get in a short but steep hike with Cowell’s Mountain.

Find the complete guide to hiking in San Diego in autumn.


Picnic with Leftovers

With all that leftover turkey and stuffing…get crazy with leftovers. Perfect for a picnic at the park or hiking. Such as with:



*Photo by Sweet Salty Tart

(And hey, for breakfast the next morning? Leftover Stuffing Waffles.)

Take in the Sunset at a Great Spot

During this week of being thankful, watching a sunset is perfect way to reflect and give thanks.

We recommend:

  • The cliffs in North Pacific Beach – at the end of Law Street
  • Sunset Cliffs in Ocean Beach
  • By the jetty of South Mission Beach


Enjoy Dinner at a Unique San Diego Restaurant

Visiting from elsewhere, friends and family are probably interested in trying something unique. That’s why we recommend:


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