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Jump Start your Post-Super Bowl Week

Jump Start your Post-Super Bowl Week

After a Sunday of beers, cheers, wings and all Katy Perry things, it may be taking a little longer than usual to get into your normal weekly routine. Here are a few ways to get the flow and energy of your week back.

1. Go for a run or take a walk by the water. 

Get your muscles moving and sweat out any alcohol your body’s retained. Exercise and plenty of water have a way of bringing good energy back to the body, as does the soothing sounds and imagery of the ocean.

2. Pump up the caffeine. 

The endorphins from exercise not enough? Go to one of the great local coffee joints in PB for a coffee, latte or some straight-up espresso or an Americano. Check out some spots we highly recommend at our blog: It’s Monday. Need Coffee? 3 Cass Street Coffee Houses You Need to Try.

3. Crave some follow-up discussion about the Super Bowl?

Perhaps you’re simply still pondering certain plays or deciding which Super Bowl commercial was your favorite this year. Head back to the bar where you watched the game or another classic establishment like Miller’s Field or PB Alehouse. Grab drinks with friends and hey, maybe end up chatting with those around you, about your thoughts and game highlights.

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